Anaemia, Gut Health and Why Taking Iron Supplements in Isolation Is Not a Good Idea

Anaemia, Gut Health and Why Taking Iron Supplements in Isolation Is Not a Good Idea


The most common reason for anaemia is a sick gut.iron-deficiency-anemia

According to Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, to have healthy blood we require many different nutrients: vitamins B1,2,3,6,12, K, A, D, etc,  Minerals …iron, calcium, magnesium, Zinc, boron etc…, essential amino acids and fats. People with gut dysbiosis not only cannot absorb these nutrients from their food, but their own production of many of them in their own body is damaged. (beneficial bacteria in a healthy gut make them)

People with damaged gut flora often have particular groups of pathogenic bacteria growing in their gut, which are iron-loving toxic gutbacteria. They consume whatever iron the person gets from the diet, leaving that person deficient in iron. Unfortunately, supplementing iron only makes these bacteria stronger and does not remedy anaemia. To treat anaemia the person requires all the nutrients mentioned above, many of which healthy gut flora supplies.

She formulated the Advanced ProBiotic “Protozymes” for Modere. We also have Mineral Solutions which provides readily absorbed minerals, amino acids etc.

Find out about them and how to get them here:-

To Buy Protozymes (with £10 off your 1st order) click on the “Shop”


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How to buy and how to get the best from taking the Advanced ProBiotic “Protozymes”.

How to buy and how to get the best from taking the Advanced ProBiotic “Protozymes”.

Please note there are 2 sets of instructions depending on YOUR state of health.



For General Health.

First tub or when taking anti-biotics:-   Take 2 twice a day ( on an empty stomach first thing in the morning and last thing at night because at those times you are producing practically no stomach acid.) 

Thereafter, take 1 twice a day. (or you can take 2 at bedtime)

We need to keep these beneficial bacteria topped up because white flour and the sugar in our modern diet destroys them.  Up to 60 years ago we topped them up every day without realising it because we ate food which was preserved naturally by fermentation and we did not eat processed foods nor was our food sterilised by radiation and sprayed with pesticides and herbicides which all kill  the micro-organisms.



For People with Digestive System Problems.

They are powerful and as they kill off the “bad guys” you can get what’s called a “die off reaction” which can make you feel a bit “off” …so ………

                                             Week 1 – take 1 ProBiotic at bedtime for a week

                                            Week 2 – then add 1 when you wake       (2 a day)

                                            Week 3 –  then add 1 at bedtime              (3 a day)   

                                            Week 4 – then add 1 when you wake.      (4 a day)        

Week 5 onwards – drop down to either 1 a.m. and 1 p.m. or 2 at bedtime.


                             Natasha says these are the best times —  Not with food  — and DO NOT put them in the fridge because they are dried and asleep and if they go in and out of the fridge condensation wakes them up and they are no use ‘cos they die in the capsule.  She invented this Advance ProBiotic so I go with what she says. I keep mine on my bedside table.


Ladies. If you have an outbreak of Thrush, don’t worry, it’s your body getting rid of the Candida that’s inside.  It’s unpleasant but it will go away.

With natural supplements it takes about 3 months to have a real effect on the body.

A good partner to take with Protozymes is Mineral Solutions which provides the full spectrum of  plant bio-available minerals, amino acids and anti-oxidants.       and get £10/$10 off your first order.


For in-depth information about gut health and how to take Protozymes for specific reasons, download Dr. Campbell-McBride’s recorded talk from the Audio Section.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions. 🙂

GO HERE:- For info on how to receive a £10/$10 off Welcome Gift and Free Carriage   


Why We Must Ensure That We Have The Right Bacteria In Our Gut And How We Can Acquire Them.

Why We Must Ensure That We Have The Right Bacteria In Our Gut And How We Can Acquire Them.

The following information is supplied by Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride, a medical doctor with post graduate degrees in neurology and nutrition. She is the founder and senior partner of the Cambridge Nutrition Clinic, specialising in digestion and immune system disorders in adults and children. Her work has achieved international acclaim with lectures in Europe, the United States and Australia and the publication of her book ‘Gut and Psychology Syndrome’. She has pioneered the development and use of probiotics and is responsible for the formulation of the Modere Advanced ProBiotic “Protozymes”.

We know we have bacteria inside our digestive tract – an adult on average carries 2k of bacteria and there are actually more cells, more genetic material, in our digestive system than in our entire body. They are a highly important part of our human physiology that we cannot live without.  The number of functions that our gut flora fulfils play so many vital roles not just in the digestive tract but in the rest of the body. Here are just a few of the most important functions.


The whole surface of the digestive system is covered by bacteria and if these bacteria are the right ones, the beneficial bacteria, if they predominate there (ratio 80:20), then they become the draft_lens8943991module78726981photo_1266195695roles_of_gut_flora_imagehousekeepers of our digestive system; they are our protectors from all sorts of invaders, bacteria, parasites, fungi, toxins that come with food and drink and enter our digestive system all the time.

At the same time they convert the food that comes along into a whole host of nourishing substances for the gut lining itself, orchestrating the whole cell regeneration process in the gut wall.    Cells that line the gut only live a few days; they are born, fulfil their function then die. If the beneficial bacteria are not there, this process goes wrong; the cells mutate, the cells change so that they cannot fulfil their function of the digestion and absorption of food and they can turn cancerous.  If you have a good level of beneficial bacteria in your digestive system, they will stop any cancer formation because these 2 things, cancer and good solid gut flora, cannot live together.

Besides ensuring that the gut is in a good shape to digest and absorb our food, the beneficial bacteria in our gut actively take part in digestion and absorption by producing every enzyme under the sun for digesting proteins, carbohydrates and fats and they produce substances that transport nutrition through the gut wall into your blood stream.

That is why people who have damaged gut flora, or gut flora which is not at an optimum, cannot digest and absorb a lot of food or supplements and so much of it simply passes straight through the body and out!


Apart from ensuring appropriate absorption and digestion of food, these bacteria actively synthesize a whole host of nutrients that we cannot live without – B1 B2 B3 B5 B6 B12,  Vit.K, Biotin, Amino acids and many other nutritious substances.  They synthesize these all of the time.  Why? ……………

because most of the substances are water soluble and don’t stay in the body long, so even if we have plenty of them in our food and have supplements that provide us with them, there will be times during the day when we will be deficient in these substances.

Nature has always found a perfect solution to this problem – provided us with our own little factory, our digestive system which constantly produces these substances and constantly releases them into our blood stream to provide us with these substances, every second, every moment, every day of our life.


Protection from invaders, plus immune system modulation, are vitally important functions of our gut flora.  According to different researchers, from 83-85%  of our immunity is located in the gut wall so you can see the gut wall is one of the major immune organs in our body. Gut flora which lives inside plays a crucial role in the appropriate functioning of the immune system ie. they determine how we react to substances like pollen, dust, chemicals etc — whether they are neutralised and expelled or whether we have an allergic reaction such as:- food intolerances, eczema, asthma, hay fever………


Our gut flora plays a major part in detoxofication. Beneficial bacteria can collect pretty much anything  – aluminium, lead, mercury from amalgam fillings, or vaccinations in children, chemicals in foods, flame retardants from our carpets, paint from our doors, anything that gets into our digestive tract and any sort of carcinogen produced as by products of the normal digestive process. Beneficial bacteria will grab them, collate them, neutralise most of them and they will remove them from our body.   So having solid gut flora is very important to protect ourselves from these things.


Having the right bacteria inhabiting our gut is not only desirable but vital!

Why do I believe the best pro-biotic supplement is Protozymes??                  download

Since 2003 there have been large numbers of clinical trials on probiotics (77 in 2004 alone).

800 strains have been identified, 400 of which have been closely studied and numbered 1 to 400 , number 1 being the most beneficial to our health.

Dr. Campbell-McBride chose numbers 1 to 5 for her Advanced ProBiotic “Protozymes” and added Saccharomyces Boulardii, the probiotic yeast which kills the pathogenic yeast Candida Albicans (Thrush).  I don’t know of another probiotic supplement which can kill Candida.

A gut full of Candida kills us.

Protozymes is a very powerful formula.

Find out how to use it and where to get it here:–

and listen to how to use them for specific purposes in Dr. Campbell-McBride’s talk in the  “AUDIOS” section.


20 Signs that we have a Damaged Gut.

20 Signs that we have a Damaged Gut.

Having been asked to supply info about gut health and how to ensure our gut is healthy…. a rather complex subject……after a lot of thought I decided to begin with “How do we know whether our gut is healthy or not?” so here’s a list of some of the things which indicate that we have a sick gut.

  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Allergies – to foods, chemicals, pollen….
  • Cancer
  • Skin problems – acne, scaly skin, eczema, psoriasis, rashes…….
  • Asthma
  • IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) – bloating, constipation/diarrohea……..
  • “Mental” disorders – Autism, ADD, Clinical Depression…….
  • IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disorder) – Diverticulitis, Crohns Disease
  • Ulcers
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Joint pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Yeast infections
  • Thrush
  • Lowered libido
  • Mental fog
  • Sugar cravings (including alcohol)
  • Weight gain
  • Nail fungi

toxic gut

It’s easy to associate IBS and IBD problems with gut health but the fact is, that the bacteria and fungi responsible for those problems also cause a Leaky Gut, thus allowing toxins, normally trapped in a healthy gut, to escape via the blood to be carried to various parts of the body where they cause havoc with our health.

However, all is not lost…there are remedies. 🙂


Modern scientific research is proving that, 2400 years ago, Hippocrates was correct when he said, “All disease begins in the gut.”

Can We Have A Healthy Home With Products Which Don’t Hurt Us??

Can We Have A Healthy Home With Products Which Don’t Hurt Us??

We are all familiar with the saying “It’s the final straw that breaks the camel’s back.”

Healthy Home

Healthy Home

Today that saying is applicable to our well-being, the “straws” being all the factors which are causing our bodies to suffer “dis-ease” and which range from poor nutrition and toxicity to being stuck in a traffic jam every day.

Some things we have no control over but we can take control of others and the more “straws” we can remove, the better for us and for our well-being.

One “straw” that we can remove, thus lifting an unnecessary burden from our lives, is the daily poisoning of our bodies and homes.

For toxin-free, high performance products

 click here


Over the last few years, ordinary people, i.e. non-scientists like you and me, have become increasingly aware of the dangers posed by man-made chemical ingredients in products we use every day at home. Two TV programmes “How Toxic are You?” and “How Toxic are Your Kids?”  enhanced this awareness, so I decided to take this opportunity to share with you what I have learned.

I firmly believe that everyone has the right to make choices. To do this effectively, we need knowledge.

It’s hard to believe that the most dangerous place is inside our own home.

A 15 year study showed that “women who worked at home had a 54% higher death rate from cancer than women who had jobs elsewhere.”

In 1989, a study by the US Dept of Occupational Safety and Health showed that of 2,983 chemicals used in personal and household products:

  • 884 were known to be toxic. Of these:
    • 778 were acutely toxic
    • 146 were carcinogenic
    • 218 were believed to cause reproductive complications
    • 314 were believed to cause biological mutations
    • 376 were known to cause eye and skin irritation

In 2003, a “ContamiNATION” study by the World Wide Foundation found as many as 70 different chemicals in the blood of UK citizens.

  • The average number was 27 with one poor man having 49.
  • Babies were being born with as many as 20.
  • Toxins tend to be stored in the fat. The implication is that mothers are passing on toxins in their breast milk.                      

Household products release toxic vapours even when they are not being used. We don’t need our eyes to tell us where the washing powders and cleaning products are in the supermarket, do we?

Then there are the air fresheners. Do you know it takes at least 100 chemicals to make a “perfume”? Have you ever read the warnings on the back? Nasty!

“Most homes have airborne concentrations of hazardous and toxic chemicals 2 to 5 times higher indoors than outside. Some homes are 70 times higher!” (US Environmental Protection Agency 1989)

Have £10 off your first order


The most common ingredients to watch out for in personal care products are these (although there are more than 100 alternative names for the first one!):-

  • Sodium Lauryl/Laureth Sulphate – corrosive industrial degreaser. Affects the eyes and the lining of the mouth, can alter DNA. (foaming products)
  • Propylene Glycol – anti-freeze, brake fluid (moisturisers, baby wipes)
  • Aluminium Salts – block the sweat glands trapping toxins inside (implicated in breast cancer). Also linked to brain disorders (anti-perspirants)
  • Talc – similar molecular structure to asbestos (cosmetics)

(You will find a more comprehensive list to print out in the DOWNLOADS/Audio section so you can check your cupboards.)

An added complication is “potentially” harmful ingredients.

A lot of chemicals are safe until mixed with something else e.g. Triclosan and water = toxic dioxins.

So why is it in toothpaste??

Thousands of ingredients used in the household have never been tested, so no-one knows whether they are safe or not.

Well that’s the BAD NEWS…

Some GOOD NEWS is that…

….just as not all natural substances are safe, not all chemicals are harmful. In fact, some are very beneficial.

The trick is knowing which is which.

And, here’s the REALLY GOOD NEWS…

Safe, affordable products….


Someone I know told me about a Safety-Conscious company who do know the difference.

So now we can take out the guess work by buying the full range of effective every-day-use products from the company who, more than 25 years ago, pioneered the formulation, manufacture and distribution of products where more than 3000 commonly-used ingredients are avoided because they are known to be harmful or have a question mark over them.

I have transferred my spending on my personal and household products to them. You can too.

You don’t have to go and find your products and carry them home. You can order by phone or on-line and they will be delivered to your door.

Do you want the benefits of a Healthy Home?

Open your own Account here:-

You will receive a discount of £10 at the checkout and if your purchases come to £79 after the discount, you will receive free carriage too.

There are other benefits for you too. Check out “Share the Love” 🙂

Please contact me with any questions. I’m happy to help you get the best from your choices.


Why Probiotics and Intestinal Health are Vital to Our Well-being.

Why Probiotics and Intestinal Health are Vital to Our Well-being.

Around 400 BC Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, said “All disease begins in the gut.”

toxic gutOur alimentary canal is naturally populated by bacteria and if they are the correct ones — probiotics — then all is well. They do their thing and we are healthy! When it is overrun by the wrong ones — we’re in trouble.

As you can see on the picture above, the inside surface of our intestines is not smooth, those bumps are villi which hugely increase the surface for absorption of nutrients. It is vitally important that their surfaces are kept clean but today it is more and more common that they are buried beneath mucoid plaque ie. compacted rotting food which provides a lovely home for parasites and other nasties!

There are two reasons why a clean, healthy gut is vital:-

A gut populated by the wrong bacteria is, in itself, a painful problem ……

Digestive system disorders like:
— IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) with its nasty symptoms of bloating, constipation and diarrhoea
— IBD (inflammatory bowel disorder) eg Diverticulitis and Crohn’s Disease
— a LEAKY GUT leading to all kinds of allergies

and this major source of toxicity also leads to……..

Arthritis, Poor memory, Bad skin, Circles under the eyes, Diabetes (yeasts in the blood), Cancer, Learning disorders (ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Autism), Depression, Anaemia……………….In fact, the latest independent research –Epigenetics – shows pathogenic bacteria to be at the root of DNA malfunction,  leading to cancer!

How can the gut become populated by the wrong bacteria and yeasts?

When we are born we get our bacteria as we pass through the birth canal and from our mother’s milk. This is why a natural birth and breast feeding are so important and that the mother herself has the right kind of micro-organisms. Babies who are born by Caesarian Section and those who are bottle fed are at an immediate disadvantage!

Traditionally we topped up our good bacteria every day by consuming pickled/fermented foods plus fruit and vegetables which had not been subjected to irradiation and pesticides but this is not the case today!!

The following also cause damage:-

Repeat medication

The contraceptive pill


Radio- and chemo-therapies

A diet heavy in white flour and sugar upsets the balance (they feed the bad bacteria)

Anti-biotics are weapons of mass destruction which indiscriminately kill ALL bacteria, including the vital pro-biotics in the gut. Unfortunately, they do not kill the yeast Candida Albicans (thrush), an opportunistic pathogen which rapidly takes advantage of the vacuum thus created and which is at the base of many chronic conditions. The only way to get rid of yeast infections is at source ie. inside the gut.

Why are probiotic bacteria and yeasts so vital to our health? draft_lens8943991module78726981photo_1266195695roles_of_gut_flora_image

85% of our immune system is in the gut.

Our digestive tract contains trillions of micro-organisms that are a necessary part of us — the Micro-biome.

In fact, there is more DNA in the gut, belonging to these micro-organisms, than there is human DNA in the entire body!

We have a truly symbiotic relationship with these pro-biotic organisms – our health and well-being depend on them and the ratio of good (pro-biotic) to bad (pathogenic).

This should be 80:20 but today it is usual for it to be 20:80!!

The probiotic micro-organisms:-

Protect from infections

Keep the gut clean

Destroy toxins and carcinogens

Produce enzymes and enable the absorption of nutrients

Produce Vitamins B1,2,3,5,6,12, Biotin, Vitamin K (regulates blood clotting), short chain fatty acids (regulate production of cholesterol), Folic acid.

Does independent scientific research have anything to say?

Science is increasingly showing that maintaining a healthy level of the widest range of good bacteria is essential to our lives.

What can we do?

The natural remedy must be to replace as many of the good bacteria and fungi as possible, packaged in a way which ensures they get to the right place ~ dormant, freeze-dried, NO dairy or sugar ~

Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride has formulated the Modere Advanced Pro-Biotic supplement — “Protozymes”

800 strains of probiotics have been identified, 400 of which have been thoroughly researched.  Protozymes provides standardised amounts of the most beneficial 5 strains  – plus – a yeast which destroys candida albicans.

As with all supplements it takes 3 months for us to feel the real benefits because they are not drugs, they are nutrients, and body processes and healing take time.

Purchase 3 Protozymes and a bottle of Aloe Vera (to assist in the healing and correct functioning of the gut – and remember to eat lots of GREEN vegetables for the fibre.) to receive a £10 Discount.

To obtain Protozymes go to   


to open a free account if you live in the UK or Europe.

If you live in the USA this is the link for you.

This pro-biotic is a slightly different formulation but just as effective.

Use the “Contact” button at the top of this page for personal help.

I advise you to listen to Natasha’s talk about Gut Health (in the Audio Section).  As a Doctor, she is qualified to explain how to use her “Advanced ProBiotics” to  deal with all kinds of problems.

To gain free access to this recording  (you need a password), go to


to join my Healthy Homes Club and you will be sent a link.

(Diagrams courtesy of Larry Brooks.)