I put this information together to help a friend who has severe migraines and then I thought it could help others too so …..here it is 🙂

According to a friend who is, amongst other things, a medical doctor, all “types” of migraines are due to the capillaries in the shoulders, neck and head contracting, therefore restricting blood flow to the head/brain, so they need to be relaxed (dilated).

When a doctor says your problem is due to your genes what it really means is that you are simply more susceptible that other people are.

Nutrients which dilate blood vessels and keep blood at the right consistency to flow well are in these nutrient supplements:-

Mineral Solutions (L. Arginine), Cell Protect (Ginko Biloba, vitamin E etc), Endurance (Cordyceps Sinensis, ginger etc)  and Omega 3 (EPA, DHA and Vitamin E), Protozymes (probiotics).

(It isn’t necessary to take all of the above, although each one has many other benefits for health too. Contact me via Messenger from my FB profile page –  https://www.facebook.com/june.backhouse – to arrange a free consultation.)

Things to avoid.

Red wine, cheese, red meat, all chocolate, white foods eg. Potato, anything made from white flour (including pasta) sugar, white rice; refined carbohydrates

Add into your diet.

Walnuts, peanuts, almonds, chicken, turkey, chick peas, lentils, (in fact all legumes) —-they contain the amino acid L. Arginine.

Seeds .. pumpkin, chia.

Fresh spinach, beetroot (raw in green juices and cooked), parsley, ginger root, a small amount of Cayenne pepper, garlic.

Brown rice, cooked green veg (eg. broccoli, spinach, chard, kale, Spring Greens).

Drink 2 litres of pure water each day.

Visit an osteopath.

A hot water bottle on neck or shoulders can also sometimes dilate/relax capillaries as can massaging to relax the muscles. 🙂

You can have your own account – wholesale prices – here  https://www.modere.eu/?referralCode=994155   

To receive your Introductory Discount please ensure this code..994155 … is on the Account Application   🙂

You can discover the many benefits of being a Modere Customer here. https://renewedhealth.co.uk/a-better-way-to-shop-for-your-everyday-essentials/

JuneMary 🙂


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