Nutrients necessary for optimum health, why they are missing and how to get them.

Nutrients necessary for optimum health, why they are missing and how to get them.

Is malnutrition causing our health problems?

Scientists have shown that many diseases and conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis and M.E. have their basis in nutrient deficiency, and bio-chemical imbalances.
In simple terms, these health problems occur because the body is not receiving the nutrients it needs in order to function properly.
When we supply the body with the necessary nutrients it can correct / repair itself. That IS one of its normal functions.

Optimum health

We all know that a Rolls Royce engine will not operate properly on 2 star fuel and cheap oil.
In the same way, the human body will not function properly on a poor quality diet and the western diet IS a poor quality diet, being devoid of many essential nutrients and full of junk / non-food items and chemical additives.
In the midst of plenty, we are suffering from malnutrition..!

The dangers of this poor quality diet are multiplied by the toxicity from man-made chemicals to which we are subjected on a daily basis.
In 1940 chemical production was – 1 billion lbs annually
By 1988 chemical production had risen to – 600 billion lbs. annually.
Production is still rising.

Our exposure is mainly from:-
A. Prescription drugs.
B. Unknowing exposure at home and at work. ~~~~~~~~~ (Dr. Epstein)

Varying degrees of chemical exposure have now been implicated in:-
ADD / ADHD, Parkinson’s, ME, cancer, autism, motor neuron disease, infertility…

It is now known that good nutrition is vital to detoxify man-made chemicals within the human body.

This raises several questions.
**What essential nutrients are even “good” foods deficient in and why?
**Why are they essential nutrients?
**What can we do to help ourselves?

What Essential Nutrients are we Lacking?

Nutrients which are classed as “Essential” are those nutrients which the body cannot manufacture and therefore must be consumed every day.
They are :-

  • all minerals
  • certain vitamins, especially vitamin C.
  • certain fatty acids

Vegetables and fruit lack MINERALS because, over time and more recently due to modern farming methods, the land has become exhausted.

 The results of a world-wide survey on the mineral content of soils were reported to the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio.

Essential Nutrients

Mineral Depletion By Continent 1992

By continent, mineral depletion over the previous hundred years was as follows:-
85% – North America
76% – South America
76% – Asia
74% – Africa
72% – Europe
55% – Australia

This confirmed what Senate Document 264 had said in 1936 about the soil in the States.


The 1991 edition of “The Consumption of Foods” by the Royal Society of Chemistry and MAFF (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food — now called DEFRA) reported this staggering reduction in mineral content in our vegetables compared with the 1940s findings. Here are just four examples:-

      68% less copper
      48% less calcium
      26% less iron
      25% less magnesium.
          In 1991, to get the same amount of iron that was in ONE apple in 1940, we should have to eat THREE apples!
          They also reported that they were “concerned for the health of the UK population” and one solution “is supplementation…..with a well balanced, naturally derived, readily assimilated, liquid food supplement.”

Scary, isn’t it?


Are vitamins really in this food?

The majority of us have to buy our fruit and vegetables from a shop rather than picking them and eating them straight away. This is one reason that they lack VITAMINS.

Cooking destroys vitamins (and enzymes) – the hotter and the longer, the more is destroyed – that’s why eating them raw is best.

Another reason is that fruit is often picked before it is ripe.
The supermarkets actually make it a selling point, as if it’s desirable, -”Ripen at Home!”
The problem is that it’s the plant itself which uses the sunlight to make vitamins – to ripen the fruit – once picked, the fruit doesn’t “ripen”, it just softens.
It looks good and tastes ok but it is nutrient deficient.




Many people lack the ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS EPA and DHA (eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexanoic acid) which are made from omega 3. Even if they eat sufficient fish or seeds, if they are older, or do not have the right nutrients present, their bodies cannot perform the steps necessary to produce the EPA or DHA.

A pregnant woman needs extra EFAs (omegas 3 and 6) to make the baby’s brain and nervous system. Apparently, if she doesn’t take in sufficient EFAs, the baby takes what it can anyway and her brain physically shrinks — hence, “Baby Blues” — pregnancy and post-natal depression.!
Isn’t nature wonderful? Let’s keep the species surviving and produce the best possible new generation.




Of the twenty-five AMINO ACIDS, eight are essential. Most of the other seventeen can be made from them.
These eight are essential because the body cannot function without them, although others are semi-essential under certain conditions.
Unfortunately, we do not always consume the right kind, or right quality of protein, to acquire them.

The twenty-five AMINO ACIDS — different forms of protein — are the building blocks of the body.
They are vital for the growth and repair of body tissue.
They are also used to make hormones, enzymes, anti-bodies (immune system) and neuro-transmitters (help in depression), and help transport substances around the body.


Some reasons why these nutrients are vital

Minerals keep the body’s internal acid / alkaline balance.

Minerals are the co-factors of vitamins – without a vitamin’s own mineral co-factor, the body can’t use the vitamin.

Minerals are also the co-factors of enzymes.

Some minerals are anti-oxidants.

Macro Minerals. (Needed in gram quantities). ~~ a few examples.

  • Calcium, magnesium, phosphorus — to make bone
  • Calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium –electrical properties for nerve impulses and muscle function.

Trace Minerals. (Needed in mcg or less quantities). ~~ a few examples.

  • Zinc — fertility, healthy prostate, memory
  • Iron — part of the E molecule in haemoglobin — carries oxygen
  • Iodine — thyroid function
  • Copper — needed to utilise iodine
  • Selinium — protection against cancer
  • Chromium and Vanadium — protects against diabetes
  • Boron — facilitates bone metabolism.

As you can see, minerals do not work in isolation. They work together and therefore it is vital that they are present in the body in the correct proportions.




Vitamins are co-factors of enzymes.

Some vitamins are anti-oxidants.

Here are some other jobs some of the vitamins do:-


  • Vitamin C — an anti-oxidant, protects tissues and fluids in the body, ensures flexibility and strength of cell, vein and artery walls, necessary for a healthy sperm count and sperm mobility, helps immune cells to mature………..
  • Vitamin E — an anti-oxidant, protects tissues and fluids in the body, a powerful anti-cancer agent (especially when teamed with the mineral selenium), healthy heart muscle, prevents blood clots, improves wound healing and fertility……….
  • Vitamin K — controls blood clotting.
  • Vitamin A — an anti-oxidant and immune system booster, essential for night vision……
  • Vitamin B1 — energy production, digestion, brain function……
  • Vitamin B3 — helps balance blood sugar, lowers cholesterol levels…..
  • Vitamin B12 — needed for making use of protein, for making DNA….

Again, as you can see, vitamins work together with each other, as well as with minerals, so it is important that they are all present and in the necessary amounts.

ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDSESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS   EFAs do lots and lots of jobs, too many to mention here, so I’ll just say :-

  • If we want healthy, happy, intelligent, well-behaved children & adults,
  • With no heart or circulatory problems,
  • A fantastic memory,
  • Lots of energy,
  • The right height & weight,
  • Beautiful soft skin & hair,
  • Bright eyes

we need to take the essential fatty acids of the Omega3 and 6 Families.

What can we do to help ourselves?

Mineral Solutions

The first thing I did was to take a liquid mineral and vitamin supplement.
Then I was introduced to a nutrition expert who has a doctorate in bio-chemistry. As a result of that, I changed my diet and way of eating to the one I wrote about in The connection between diet and health.

I buy organic food whenever I can, because it’s not contaminated with chemicals,research shows that it is more nutritious because the bacteria in the soil which help plants take up minerals aren’t killed off and it tastes better. (I’ll give you more info. about the benefits of organic food another time).

One supplement I took, and still do take, is a liquid mineral and vitamin supplement called Mineral Solutions. ~~~~~~ This is “My Magic Bottle”.
The ingredients are all natural — no synthetic ones — and it is what they call “bio-available”.  I discovered that this big word means that as soon as you put some in your mouth, it starts to be absorbed through the tongue and lining of the mouth.
Very useful when someone is too ill to eat.!
I know this because a friend of mine had radiation treatment after the removal of a salivary gland. She felt really ill and couldn’t eat.  She kept putting a few drops at a time onto her tongue and after a few days felt much better and was eating food again.

Another friend had a blood clot on her lungs and was rushed into Intensive Care. I saw her four days later when she was moved onto a Ward. She had had nothing to eat and just couldn’t eat the food they offered.

She had asked me to bring some of my Mineral Solutions so I took that and some Noni Juice.  She had 15 ml Mineral Solutions and 30 ml Noni straight away. She took the same before going to sleep; in the morning; at lunch time and at teatime. She felt much better and was able to eat some fruit at teatime.

Twenty-four hours had elapsed between my visits and the change in her was dramatic. She had been white, limp, eyes dull and now she had her colour back, no longer limp and a sparkle back in her eyes. I had my friend back. This is no exaggeration– I really had been afraid she was going to die.

I’ve had two operations. I doubled up the amounts for two weeks before the operations and took them to hospital with me. On both occasions, I sailed through the operation with no problems and was home in record time.

How does all this happen?  Simple! They give the body nutrients it can use.

MODERE MINERAL SOLUTION (1)Mineral Solutions contains the full range of plant sourced macro minerals and trace minerals (including rare earths) that we need, 

major vitamins,

really powerful anti-oxidants from concentrated fruit extracts,

twelve amino acids (includes the 8 Essential ones),

something to feed the good bacteria in our gut,

in fact, more than 90 nutrients that we need every day.
The only ones not there are EFAs.

(We have Classic Mineral Solutions without the fruit extracts which is suitable for people with diabetes.  Both are vegan-friendly.)

I won’t bore you with any more details but, as you can see, I am enamoured with this supplement. I have been taking it now since February 2000. I take 15 ml twice a day and intend to continue doing so because it works for me.

To find out if my “Magic Bottle” works for You,  try it yourself.

This is nourishment, not a drug, so be prepared to take it for 3 months before deciding what benefits you are having. I suggest 15 ml twice a day for 14 days , then once a day before breakfast.

Omega 3  DHA, EPA& vitamin E





This is the Omega 3 Supplement I take.

I take 1 with breakfast and 1 with lunch so that I get boosts of energy during the day.


Purchase 2 bottles of Mineral Solutions and an Omega 3  and receive a £10 discount.

         Go to


                                                                               to open a Free Account.

Or you can contact me direct by using the “Contact” button at the top of this page and we can discuss your needs.


In the summer of 2015 the UK Government finally acted upon the 1991 Report by MAFF and re-classified our Mineral Solutions as FOOD.

As a result it is even better value because it is now VAT free!



RECORDED  —— A Free webinar which will answer many questions about Protozymes the Advanced Pro-Biotics, explain how they work  and the benefits that can be achieved.

RECORDED —— A Free webinar which will answer many questions about Protozymes the Advanced Pro-Biotics, explain how they work and the benefits that can be achieved.

toxic gutThere have been more than 177 sets of research done on how the bacteria in our gut affect our health and it has been shown that it is imperative that we have the right strains of bacteria populating our gut.
Research has confirmed that Hippocrates, 2500 years ago was correct when he stated that “All disease begins in the Gut”.
In other words, without a healthy gut, we cannot be well!
The webinar was recorded.

If you would like to view it, please contact me to arrange a mutually convenient time. You will need to use Skype to share my screen.

I look forward to hearing from you.

 Thank you.



Metabolic Disorders Vs Optimum Health

Metabolic Disorders Vs Optimum Health

What Can We Do to Help Ourselves to Optimum Health?

Diseases like arthritis, diabetes, obesity, cancer, IBS and auto-immune disorders like lupus and multiple sclerosis are affecting so many people today that you could legitimately say that they have reached pandemic proportions. However, they are not diseases that are “caught” and, with all the knowledge and resources available today, no-one should be suffering from them. After all, this is the 21st Century!

For a long time I suffered from clinical depression, in fact, I had to retire early because of it, but there was a “silver lining”– I was lucky enough to be introduced to people who really understand how to have excellent health.

Now that I’m well and have the time, I want to pass on what I’ve learnt about the causes of disease and what can be done to help ourselves to avoid them.

I’m a fan of “Prevention” rather than “Cure”.

First of all we need to realise that there are two types of disease:

Metabolic Disorders

Metabolic Disorders

Infectious and Metabolic Diseases.


An infectious disease – an acute condition – appears suddenly and is caused by a bacterium or a virus invading the body and we can usually avoid them by having a healthy, toxin free body and a strong immune system. I have only been ill once in the last ten years and that was when the cause of a long period of stress, which had lowered my resistance, was removed. Normally I don’t even get colds.

There is a school of thought which believes that when the body needs to clean itself, it uses a convenient bacterium or virus as a catalyst to produce mucus or a fever to expel the rubbish.

I think that makes sense because the “germs” are always present yet not everyone catches whatever infection is doing the rounds. Do they?


Metabolic diseases – chronic conditions – are different. They gradually develop over time. Make no mistake – they’ve been sneakily, silently creeping up on us for a long time because they start at cellular level. Then one day, we realise that something isn’t quite right. For example:-

  • The knee that really hurts one morning when you get out of bed and realise it’s been getting worse for a long time now.
  • The headache which no longer responds to the pills.
  • Realising that you’re tired of feeling tired.
  • The trouser waistband that refuses to fasten.
  • Yet another day when you have to stay home to be near the toilet.

Then the doctor says, “Oh, you’ve got…diabetes…high blood pressure…arthritis…osteoporosis ….or the one everyone dreads to hear… C

These are simply symptoms which the body produces as it tries to tell us that it can’t work properly because something is missing or it’s being poisoned. It is not “at ease”…. it is experiencing “dis-ease”!

It is estimated that 95% of today’s health problems are metabolic!

The good news is that we can do something about it. We just need to know how the body works, what ingredients it needs to function successfully and how to avoid toxins.

Is this a tall order? Actually, it’s not.

The human body is very clever.

I remember when the series “The Bionic Man” started, I said that I was glad I was biological. I didn’t need lots of money and an expensive engineer to mend my body. It does it itself!

About every seven years we have a new body because when we are asleep it uses what we’ve given it during the day to grow and to repair itself. That’s why babies sleep so much. They are growing!

Unfortunately, it can only do a good job if we give it the ingredients it needs and we don’t overload it with unnecessary toxins.

Here are seven things we can do to help our bodies attain optimum health.

  • Make sure it’s well hydrated by drinking two litres of filtered water, at body temperature, every day.
  • It is vital that we clear the digestive tract of mucoid plaque and ensure that we have the correct balance of bacteria in the gut because, amongst other things, they digest our food, produce certain vitamins and keep the gut wall clean and healthy so that it does not leak and produce metabolic diseases like ADD, ADHD, allergies, auto-immune disorders and cancer.
  • We also need to get rid of parasites.
  • Nourish the body by eating clean, fresh food in the right proportions and combinations and supplementing with nutrients which are missing from today’s food, such as minerals and vitamins. An alkalised body is vital for good health.
  • Use toiletries, skin care, cosmetics and home care products which are free from harmful or questionable ingredients.

A word of warning here “natural”, “organic” does NOT guarantee toxin-free because the base ingredients can be questionable or contaminated.(eg. Lanolin is often contaminated by sheep-dip chemicals.) Also, ingredients which are safe alone can become harmful when mixed with another safe ingredient.(eg. Triclosan is safe until it is mixed with water. So…….. Why is it in toothpaste???)

  • Regularly practise various forms of exercise.
  • Learn how to relax.

Now, it’s up to you to choose! Sickness or Wellness?


If you haven’t already done so, why not obtain access to the audios  and other downloads by  joining our Healthy Homes Club? Click Here!

You can also join Renewed Health Community here:-



Renewed Health. Change Your life With Us   (USA)

Renewed Health. Change Your life With Us (USA)

Renewed Health. Change Your life With Us

The Shift Is Here!

The Life-Blood of Every Business is Customers.

Click Here to contact me.

Here is an ENTIRELY NEW BUSINESS MODEL — Social Retail — which naturally produces a virally growing customer base of families who enjoy high performance, toxin-free daily essentials which are also value for money.

  There is something here for everyone — from valued customers who are smart modern day shoppers — to people who want another income stream, whether it be a few ££s a month from a small home-based business or £100,000 + a year!

 This new business model caters for all and we’ll help you to achieve what it is that YOU want .

This company is already operating in 3 world markets and GROWTH IS PHENOMENAL.

The Company launched here in the UK/European Market in October.

I am looking for people who want to improve their lives and lifestyles and I welcome all enquiries.

Which part will fit you??   Social Marketer or rewarded customer??

contact me to find out more.


Top cancer stories of 2014 from CancerActive.

Top cancer stories of 2014 from CancerActive.

Top cancer treatment and prevention stories of 2014

Albeit a little late, here are the top stories and trends in cancer for 2014. A number of them don’t just relate to cancer – they concern the very essence of your good health.We have got some really exciting developments coming in 2015. Watch out for them!Chris (leaves background)
Empowering people to make better health choices. Chris Woollams

1. Developing cancer is just ‘bad luck’?

What rubbish is this?? It implies you can do little about getting the disease, nor about preventing it returning after being treated. However, as you will read, the mass media over-claimed a poor piece of research which left out two of the biggest cancers.

2. Epigenetics – the rapidly growing science that shows cancer is reversible

You are not doomed. The Science of Epigenetics has shown that rarely are there mutations in your core DNA, and the changes around your DNA (mistakenly called ‘mutations’ by sloppy scientists) are REVERSIBLE.Right now Big Pharma is trying to develop drugs to reverse the blockages around your DNA. But you don’t have to wait – about 60 Natural Bioactive compounds are proven to have epigenetic benefits. You just have to consume enough of them! But then, this is all in my book, the Rainbow Diet and has been for seven years or more!!

3. Sugar doesn’t just feed cancer – it causes it

We have been telling you that common sugar (and especially High Fructose Corn Syrup) feeds a cancer cell, so avoid at all costs. Yet there are still some people who are in denial. They can’t be reading the research. For example, in January 2014, research showed sugar can actually cause cancer.The solution is to look for a non-added sugar diet – I have been banging on about the French Paradox for years – and colourful vegetables, a low added sugar and high fat diet is the basis for the Rainbow Diet. If you want something stricter – then you can always look at the Ketogenic Diet.

4. Why you should think seriously about Hyperbaric Oxygen

We have been telling people about Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for three years, but this year it came of age. Almost all who have used it, praise the effects. What are these? Well apart from a general improvement in well-being and lowered fatigue, HBOT reduces side-effects of radiotherapy and improves effectiveness of both chemo- and radiotherapy. In a 2012 overview of all studies since 2006, two American scientists showed there was even research linking it with killing cancer cells.The MS Society has HBOT centres across the UK and treatment (1 hour, two to three times a week) costs from 10 to 15 pounds per session.

5 Fasting for 3 to 5 days boosts your immune system

New research shows that fasting for three days can boost the immune system – we know it can improve chemotherapy results and cut side-effects – after all, we have been telling you about the benefits of Calorie Restriction and Fasting when you are diagnosed with cancer, for quite a while. Fasting even stops cancer progression.

6. Everything you need to know to help you beat cancer

I just cannot believe how many copies of this book we sell. Especially now we print in different countries. I love the fact that people describe it as their ‘Bible’ and even keep it by their bedside. The book does what it says on the cover – it is all in there, the 4 main causes of cancer that you can cut out today, through to all the complementary therapies and how they might benefit you. It even has checklists on what supplements to take when and it covers many new, emerging therapies. It is only available though, through our wholesalers.

7. Gut bacteria – the root cause of ill health and illness (oh, and colo-rectal cancer)

In January there was research on the links between gut bacteria and colorectal cancer. Then there was research on how taking probiotics lessened your risk of colorectal cancer. Then there was research on how taking gut bacteria can protect you against some radiotherapy side-effects. Gut bacteria – 93 trillion helpers inside your body right now. And a loss of volume and diversity leads to illness. Fact.This book is a 5 hour read – but when you put it down you will know what you need to do to recover your good health.

8. The year medicinal Cannabis started to make its mark?

From Australia to Canada and Spain to the UK, the medical benefits of cannabis seem to be growing in acceptance. 2015 even seems companies producing medicinal cannabis being launched on the stock market.It’s early days, but clearly the active ingredients of certain cannabinoids show promise. Here we provide a link to our article on cannabis, plus a link to Dr Christina Sanchez who seems to be something of an expert in research on cannabinoids and how they kill cancer cells. Then we give you a link to Sharon Kelly’s home made video on how Cannabis killed her stage IV Lung cancer.

9. The year of self empowerment

UK Medical Authorities by and large seem determined to be left behind. They stick to a mantra of ‘Doctor knows best’ and the Holy Trinity of Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy and Surgery. Some even refuse to discuss Complementary therapies with their patients actually saying that they will be ‘struck off’ if they do. Meanwhile the benefits of building an Integrative treatment programme – where patients add complementary treatments to their orthodox programme is just a click away on your computer.Here’s a little selection of pointers to get you going.

10. Fastest growing area of lung cancer linked to oestrogen

Research in 2014 was clear: You don’t need to have been near a cigarette. The cancer that has grown from 12% to 40% of all lung cancer is non-small cell lung cancer – and it is driven by oestrogen.But then so are many cancers – from some breast to prostate, colorectal to brain tumours, ovarian to testicular. And that’s why we wrote a simple book ‘Oestrogen – the killer in our midst. It tells you the simple steps you can take today to start reducing the level of aggressive oestrogen in your body.

11. Is the game finally up for screening mammograms?

By now you know my views. We should have been spending money looking for accurate blood tests not on expensive machines that potentially can do more harm than good. 2014 saw research from Canada that should have finished off screening mammograms for good.

12. Bribery, fraud, causing cancer, spreading metastases; anything else??

In the past, many people have been concerned about the ‘dodgy practices’ employed by certain elements of Big Pharma. In 2014 we have seen criminal convictions for bribery and fraud. A major company that works with the UK Government and Cancer Research has now been convicted of fraud, misleading information and bribing doctors. Twice. With more cases on the way.When it comes to the products, it doesn’t get much better. In 2014 there was a new study that said chemo induced more cancer – this just backed up one from a couple of years back that said it CAUSED cancer. It reminded me of the German Study that said Taxol caused breast cancer to spread.What a sorry state areas of BIG Drug are in at the moment!!

13. Are orthodox prostate treatments doing more harm than good?

If you read the research coming out of America, you would have to answer, ‘yes’. Both the PIVOT Study and a 2014 study on over 65s from UCLA actually show they achieve little and can even make matters worse.So what can you do to stop prostate cancer? From 2014 research it would seem: forget about the vasectomy, and lower your blood triglyceride levels. Read the triglyceride article if you want to know what to do next.

14. So what did 2014 research tell a cancer patient to do?

Research said: Start by taking vitamin D, and light daily exercise. Think about a daily small aspirin. And learn to sleep well (or consider taking melatonin). It could have said take fish oils, curcumin, CLA, resveratrol and more!

15. Environmental toxins and cancer

Xenoestrogens are linked to prostate cancer (again), alcohol-based mouthwash to throat and mouth cancers (again), Glyphospate is polluting water supplies and drugs used to treat IBS, Crohn’s and Colitis are linked to blood and lymph cancers.

Empowering you to make more informed personal health choices.
27th December 2014.  CancerActive Newsletter.

27th December 2014. CancerActive Newsletter.

I wish a Happy, Healthy New Year to you All.

I hope you all had a Happy Christmas/Holiday surrounded by Family and Friends.

I believe we are here for a Reason …. in fact, several Reasons ……… that there are things we are meant to do.

I’m a natural educator and my working life was spent helping to give teenagers the knowledge and life skills they would need in order to step out into the adult world and I’m still here, now providing information and sources of information to help people to help themselves to good health.

Until I read this letter, I didn’t know that Chris had narrowly escaped death from the Tsunami ten years ago!

It would seem that he is needed…………. to continue his work with his charity Cancer Active.

To receive Cancer Active Newsletters, click on the website link (at the end) and sign up for them.

I hope you found his report on research into Epigenetics useful. (His October Newsletter which I posted on 2nd October.)

May I remind you that, as a Modere Customer, you can “build your own microclimate” as Chris suggests, by changing your brand of toiletries etc to effective, non-toxic toiletries and effective nutritional supplements from Modere.

Join here

December 24th 2014
Happy Christmas – and a resolution for 2015

J Backhouse,

Ten years ago, my daughter Catherine had just died and I needed a break, having spent ten weeks in a hospice in London, sleeping every night in a chair by her bed. Min and I went to Phuket. Every morning I ran on the beach at Karon Bay. For Christmas day I wanted to do something different – we decided to rent a boat and go snorkling at Koh Phi Phi. In the end Min had a cold so we moved the booking to Boxing Day, at 7.30 am.The night before Min was still suffering, so at 10 pm we cancelled the booking with the poor speed boat driver. Little did we know, this was to save his and our lives. For some reason I didn’t wake at 6 am. And I didn’t run on Karon beach either. We went downstairs instead at about 8.25, when water was flooding the hotel lobby. Sadly, 200,000 people died that day. A tragedy of epic proportions. But still less than die every year from cancer in the UK. Billions have now been spent on early warning systems to prevent death from Tsunamis in South East Asia. They learned a lesson. Billions are not spent on cancer prevention. No lesson is learned.

Cancer is a bigger tragedy – the illness and its consequences just as preventable. It is desperately sad that big business rules the actions of too many people professing to help people beat cancer. When we set up CANCERactive our ultimate goal was to make ourselves un-needed. If everybody understood how to prevent cancer today, then there would be no necessity for cancer charities. But, to this day, of the UK major charities only CANCERactive talks about environmental toxins and stress being causes of cancer, not just YOUR own lifestyle excesses. From the outset we told people to build their own microclimate – so why not use 2015 to do this; for yourself, and those you love around you. And if you want another New Year’s resolution, help SPREAD THE WORD – Cancer is preventable, and reversible, today.

Happy Christmas and a Healthier New Year


The science of epigenetics has shown that 4 factors cause blockages of crucial messages around your DNA leading to chronic illnesses like cancer. Environmental toxins, stress, poor diet and hormones like oestrogen. Scientists working for drug companies and independently, have shown THESE CHANGES ARE REVERSIBLE.THESE CHANGES ARE PREVENTABLE, TOO. We have been telling you since 2004. We have the biggest cancer prevention section of any UK charity; we held Britain’s only ever major Cancer Prevention Conference right opposite the House of Commons, we designed a programme for schools (that the Government liked, but their funding refused); and we have downloadable prevention leaflets on site for you to use. Make 2015 the year you spread the word – CANCER IS PREVENTABLE; CANCER IS REVERSIBLE. TODAY.

Empowering you to make more informed personal health choices.