“Salt is born of the purest of parents: the sun and the sea” – Pythagoras 580–500B.C.


Salt is born

Salt is born

When large oceans of ancient times evaporated, they left massive amounts of salt behind that was slowly dehydrated by the sun. Radial energies of the sun are one of the most potent forms of life force, so potent that all plant life sustains itself primarily through this energy. This happened at a time when pollution did not exist.

In one specific location in the Himalayas in Pakistan, these salt beds were exposed to very high pressure and temperatures, forcing a small portion of the salt to form an unusual crystalline structure, different from that found in all other salts with a higher degree of crystallization. Hence, a much higher life force field since crystallization is nature’s way of storing life force.

The life force field of Krystal salt gives it properties that make it far superior to any other type of natural unrefined salt. In repeated Russian experiments intake of brine 1% Krystal salt balances the entire meridian system of a person within 15 minutes.

Needless to say, Himalayan Krystal salt is mined using age–old manual methods, not using explosives or heavy machinery. The milling is carried out in controlled facilities, sorted, brine-washed and sun–dried in India under a regulatory body to get the highest standard possible.

Natural salt is not a medicine, but a food, much like apples, wheat, water and other natural substances. Salt is a core, essential group of nutrients with exceptional qualities and abilities fundamental to keeping us alive. In its original, wholesome, unadulterated form, there are some 84 known elements to be found in their bio-available state in this type of food, making it one of the most efficient foodstuffs available.

Europe for a long time sent asthma patients to the salt mines. They felt better after several hours per day for two weeks, and they remained free of symptoms for many months.

Sea Salt is increasingly polluted: industrial pollution, shipping accidents, sewage in rivers, both the chemical and energetic properties of the salt freshly harvested from the sea is compromised. Many of the predatory fish carry heavy metals in their flesh.

Table Salt is just sodium chloride. Much of what has become known about the negative effects of refined flour and sugar can be applied to salt. The food processing industry has been presenting us with refined, denatured sodium chloride enriched with iodine, aluminium and other ‘enhancements’ as ‘salt’, but natural salt is very different.

Usage of Water and Himalayan Krystal salt

Take ¼ to ½ teaspoon in the morning on the tongue after a pint of water. Hold it in hollowed tongue away from roof of mouth if possible. Allow salt to disperse and mix with saliva before swallowing. You need ½ teaspoon salt per day or ¼ teaspoon per 2 pints of water. So if necessary repeat the process after water in the evening.

You can bathe in Himalayan Salt. Bathing in Himalayan Salts for 15–30 minutes gives you the same effect as fasting for 3 days. 1–2 cups salt recommended.

“Slip into a sheer ocean of energy with these magical bath salts. Imagine taking a dip in the pristine primal ocean, some of 250 million years ago. Now you can. Relax, while your body absorbs the 84 vital nutrients and your skin attains the soft glow of health.”

Himalayan bath salts contain 84 essential minerals, more than any other bath salt, including magnesium, potassium, bromide and calcium which are readily absorbed into the skin during a 15–30 minute bathe.

Himalayan bath salt is known to alleviate severe cases of dry skin disorders. It will stimulate circulation, hydrate the skin, increase moisture retention, promote cellular regeneration, detoxify the skin and help heal dry, scaling and irritated skin. Salt water bathing reduces inflammation of the muscles and joints, relaxes muscles and relieves pain and soreness and, will improve psoriasis.

Do not shower off – simply dry with a towel. Afterwards, rest for about 30 minutes. Please note, if you have any heart problems consult with doctor first.”

The mixture of water and crystal salt, called Sole (so–lay) is the most flexible physical representation of pure solar and light energy. When water and this salt come together they become a different product, ‘Sole’.

The word Sole is derived from the Latin word “sol” which means the sun. Sole is nothing but the fluid materialization of sunlight. Sole means fluid sunlight or fluid light energy

Benefits of Drinking sole

  • Supplies the body with the natural energy stored in the crystals which the body can hold for up to 24 hours.
  • Can neutralise the alkaline/acid balance in the body and normalise blood pressure.
  • Can dissolve and eliminate impurities and built up toxins which lead to stones and various forms of rheumatism like arthritis and kidney and gall bladder stones.
  • Helps the circulatory and respiratory systems
  • Helps relax the nervous system
  • Can lower the craving for addiction

Sole will break down the build up of heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic, amalgam and calcium. For the body to get rid of these deposits it has to first metabolize them. Even animal proteins, which are difficult to break down and eliminate, will be eliminated through the urine due to the strong structural formation of the krystal salt. Always support this action with water intake of 8–10 glasses a day otherwise these toxic wastes will pass around the body and not be flushed out.

Sole is made by dissolving salt in water until it will dissolve no more. At this point the solution becomes saturated at 26% which is stable and ready for consumption.

Take 1 teaspoon of the sole in a glass of water every morning before breakfast. Drink on an empty stomach before breakfast. The regularity is important. From a bio-chemical point of view, within minutes, the whole stomach and intestines are being stimulated. This in turn encourages digestion and metabolism.”

There is a lot of information on the internet about Himalayan salt. Some of the information above has been taken from:

  • www.amazinghealth.co.uk
  • www.goodnessdirect.co.uk

Another excellent source is “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water” by Dr F. Batmanghelidj.

This has recently been updated into “Water & Salt” by Dr F Batmanghelidj and Phillip Day. (Copies available for sale, call Corinne on 01300 320984 / 07801 096628.)

“Water & Salt, The Essence of Life”, Barbra Hendel MD & Peter Ferreira

This is just an introduction to Himalayan Salt if you have not come across it before.

This information has been collated in good faith, but we cannot be held responsible for its content.

You can purchase Himalayan salt pre-ground or as crystals from www.credence.org