
RENEWEDHEALTH website front page.1 TEST VERSION 2

My website and business are called Renewed Health because, after a long illness where my doctor could not help me, I renewed my own health using supplements and nutrition.

The following information is what I have learnt and I pass it on to you so that you too can be empowered!

“Can We Really Renew Our Health?”

Well, every night whilst we sleep, our bodies attempt to do exactly that as they automatically work to cleanse, repair and replace cells.
That is what they are programmed to do.

However, today we face 4 Challenges!

  1. Lack of nutrients in food available to us, even in a “good”, organic diet.
  2. Toxic overload administered daily.
  3. What to do about it.
  4. Where to find what we need.

1) Nutrients are the TOOLS the body requires.

  • MINERALS are the most vital missing nutrients.
  • Without minerals the body cannot use vitamins and other nutrients.
  • We know they are lacking because the 1991 report, published as a result of research into mineral depletion in soils carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (UK), says:-
    • “The significant loss of these essential trace minerals within the vegetables available to us again highlights the difficulties in achieving a fully adequate diet with currently available foods. An alternative is supplementation of our poorer diet with a well balanced, naturally derived, readily assimilated, liquid food supplement.”
  • VITAMINS are missing because most “fresh” food is harvested before it is ripe and it is stored for long periods of time before it reaches the shelves, losing even more vitamins.

2) The daily poisoning.

  • Thanks to the media we are aware of harmful and potentially harmful ingredients in the many products we use on ourselves every day at home.
  • Research in 2003 showed that babies in the UK are born with up to 20 toxic chemicals already in their blood.
  • Energy which should go to cleanse, repair and replace cells is being diverted to deal with the daily absorption of toxins ………..

3) What we need to do to help our bodies to do what nature intends them to do.

  • We need to give them good quality, natural nutritional supplements — liquid where possible
  • Use safety-conscious products which avoid more than 3000 toxic and questionable ingredients

4) Where to find what we need.

  • The Healthy Homes Club can help.
  • Our motto is:- “Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure”.
  • We know they are lacking because in 1991 the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food were concerned that the mineral depletion in soils made it difficult for us to achieve “a fully adequate diet”
  • They suggested “supplementation of our poorer diet with a well balanced, naturally derived, readily assimilated, liquid food supplement.”
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