The most common reason for anaemia is a sick gut.

According to Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, to have healthy blood we require many different nutrients: vitamins B1,2,3,6,12, K, A, D, etc,  Minerals …iron, calcium, magnesium, Zinc, boron etc…, essential amino acids and fats. People with gut dysbiosis not only cannot absorb these nutrients from their food, but their own production of many of them in their own body is damaged. (beneficial bacteria in a healthy gut make them)

People with damaged gut flora often have particular groups of pathogenic bacteria growing in their gut, which are iron-loving

bacteria. They consume whatever iron the person gets from the diet, leaving that person deficient in iron. Unfortunately, supplementing iron only makes these bacteria stronger and does not remedy anaemia. To treat anaemia the person requires all the nutrients mentioned above, many of which healthy gut flora supplies.

She formulated the Advanced ProBiotic “Protozymes” for Modere. We also have Mineral Solutions which provides readily absorbed minerals, amino acids etc.

Find out about them and how to get them here:-

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